Friday, November 8, 2013

Hey Dad and Mum,

Another week passed and gone, time flies way way way too fast for me and my companion to even catch up!!

Thanks for the letter Dad, I know you would have given Aunty and Uncle my love. They’re in my prayers every single night. In language class I was finding it a bit hard, I was frustrated this whole week.  We teach two investigators, (they’re our teachers but they act like investigators) and all they do is speak Cebuano back to me. It’s so frustrating because me and my companion prepare a whole lesson, but when they have questions, and they reply in Cebuano REALLY fast, we don’t have a clue what he was saying! Which is so so frustrating cause I know I know some basic doctrine in English, but everything’s in a different language.
So me and my companion were in the room, thinking what we could do to improve, with our own class time or wherever we could think of.  We came up with ideas, and one I said was, we should read the BOM in Cebuano. I thought it was an idea my companion would not be interested in, but he was keen to do it. So we had a goal to read 1st Nephi by the time we leave. (This is reading all in Cebuano by the way.)  We read the first day and I said lets aim to read the whole Book of Mormon in Cebuano before we leave.  He said ye, hah, so that means we have to read 40 pages a day because there are 800 and something  pages in the Cebuano BOM!  40 pages for the next 20 days till we head out to the field. We completed our goal in two days and finished 1st Nephi!  We are going hard and on to 2nd Nephi. ANY spare time we get, we both read. We read out loud one page each.

Now, the blessings!  I’ve noticed a huge difference in my vocab and understanding and especially my vocab. Yesterday we taught the plan of salvation kaluwasan (plan of salvation) all in Cebuano and could actually know what the investigator was saying in reply which is a huge blessing and I’m grateful for the Book of Mormon!

That’s my story of the week, because I need to write to Dallin, so I’m quickly writing because me and my companion are going to chuck a wash load in, and I need to write to my Nans.

I love it here, it’s a huge blessing being here!!  The foods tasting ALL the same and I  miss the food back home.

This weeks challenge for you guys as a whole family, is to meet someone random,  maybe in the supermarket or wherever, and look at them in a way that respects that they chose the exact plan we did when we were all in the pre-mortal life. Look at them in a way that you know they are also a child of God, and speak to them in a way that can give them the option to partake of the fruit of our gospel. You will feel happy inside that you have reached out to one of God’s children.

Tell Polly I love her letters also Te Awa!! And can you tell Aunty Sally and Jeannette thanks for the letters! I don’t have enough time to reply back to their mails but just let them know what I have said.  That’s all for now!

Love yah, 

Elder Anderson

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